A vibrant and friendly church, nestled in the heart of Dunfermline City Centre

We would love for you to join us.

building upon our long heritage as an Evangelical church, moving forward in faith and with vision, seeking to 'preach Christ crucified and risen'.

Our aim is to bring others to know the saving grace of Jesus, welcoming all who respond to His family through our worship, words and actions.

We are



* Evening Worship on 1st & 3rd Sundays of the month


Chapel Street, Dunfermline, 
Fife, KY12 7AW

Gillespie Memorial Church



Click DONATE icon to make an offering

Support our work and ministry in the community of Dunfermline in all its forms: children, youth and young adult ministries, provision to those in food and energy crisis; a community cafe as well as offering space for a wide variety of community groups to meet; always seeking to meet the needs of our city, with the love of Christ.